As I mentioned in the previous blog, the main purpose of my visiting in Arashiyama was that I would buy a "tofu" , which was made by soy-milk, from a famous tofu shop around here. The tofu-shop was so-well known that the book I had read before, but forgot the tittle, mentioned that even the rich in Ashiya town(known as a fashionable suburb in Kobe city) drove her/his Mercedes to here to buy a tofu. But as I said before, streets around here were just like a spider-web, so I had a certain difficulty to find a right street I should follow. I slightly remember that my guidebook mentioned about the temple near the tofu-shop, so I aimed at the temple, and somehow, I found the shop, which was not so larger than I expected.
I slightly remembered that on the front door or window of the shop, there was a menu-board. On the board, I found that a standard tofu was just US$1. Basically, a tofu was not so expensive one, and a standard tofu in an usual supermarket was just about 50 cents. So, I might say that this tofu in the shop was a little bit expensive. I bought a standard one, and later I ate it, and thought the taste was really good.
Anyway, the pic was a part of Tenryu-ji, a famous temple in Arashiyama area. Once I heard, inside the precinct of this temple, there was a restaurant that could offer a good boiled tofu. Of course, the tofu in the restaurant was from the famous tofu-shop. But I'm not still quite sure if the restaurant is really there.
Here was Arashiyama, Kyoto, Japan.