That was one of the most curious scenes I've ever seen in a train.
At the time, I was in the international train, EC173, which left Praque Holesovice station at 13:33 for Wien Sudbahnhof. To say correctly, it was one or two minutes before actually the train started to go from the station. So, it was around 13:30.
When I was on the board of the train, and kept my reserved seat with putting my backpack on the upper baggage-rack, I just wanted to go to the restroom, toilet, WC. The small WC in the train was usually located in the vestibule or deck, which was also an entrance to the coach.
When I went to the vestibule, I found there was an old lady who kept saying good-by to her family members (maybe) and hugging consecutively with each other, most importantly, in front of the door of WC. I just said, excuse me, several times with a little bit loud voice, but she and her family seemed to decide to ignore the outsider for this important family ritual. I just saw the cleaning woman who was standing in the vestibule and also waiting for cleaning the trash box which was also guarded by the hugging old lady and Co..
The moment when the old lady said a little bit sharp scream was so curious for me that I still remember the exact detail of the scene. The old lady was hugging with the middle-aged woman who was fat and maybe also her kin. They were hugging for a while and I think it was longer than ever. And the next moment, two women leaned against the door of WC, toilet, and slowly the door began to open. Two women still hugging with each other, were slowly falling down on the floor in the WC, toilet, restroom, washroom, or what ever. They almost lightly hit their shoulders or even faces on the corner of the toilet bowl or silver pan.
Two women were screaming on the floor of the WC, amazingly still hugging. I and the cleaning woman, who were only two witnesses of this tragedy, said, are you OK?, at the same time. The other family members, who already finished their retuals and left from here, rushed into the vestibule. The old lady reiterated " the door was opened" with looking at me a little bit viciously, though I never touched the door and even was still waiting for relieving myself in the WC.
That was so curious, and when I saw the faces of the family, who could do not to laugh, I finally felt relief to go to the WC.
Here was on the train, EC173, Prague.