Still the sky in Amalfi is so high that the birds coming from the north seem to also fly high, between blue and blue. The birds are looking down the peninsula, and may easily go beyond the highest cliffs around here.
I am on a ferry going back to Salerno city,which maybe takes about 20 or 30 minutes. Turning back to the Amalfi, I find that some old, local people at the coast are sitting on the bank and looking at us idly, and some tourists coming from the ferry 10 minutes ago are walking with their carry-on-luggage, maybe, looking for their hotels.
The girl at the window of the five-story old white apartment, is no longer at the window. She may takes lemon gelatos with friends.
Some teenagers are gathering at the wharf, and some of them are fooling with each other and finally one dives into the sea. The coast line of the Amalfi is actually busy, and when I was there, I always found some people were walking, talking, eating sea foods, or drinking an espresso. On the other, the scenery I find from the ferry is perfectly silent. Only the breeze I feel here is the one I can hear.
Here is Amalfi, at the early of July.
The main street of Amalfi is not long, but slightly an uphill road. Along with the street, there are several souvenir shops that make lots of small bottles of limoncello laying on big baskets. Some, which deals with some groceries, also have some large yellow lemons on the shelves inside the store. Under early July sun shining, the reflected sun-light from the bottles is giving the passengers, mostly tourists, irresistible summer spectrum.
Walking through an allay, I just look up the slope and more over, look up the windows of four- or five- story old and white buildings standing crowdedly with each other. A girl with light brown hair comes from one of the windows. She seems to look down the shining sea. The dry wind coming from the far away cliff blows her brown hair lightly.
Maybe, she may think about taking a ferry leaving this la penisola sorrentia (sorrento peninsula) to go to the capital, or just think about hefty homework of her junior high or high school during this summer vacation.
Here is Amalfi, its summer colors are yellow lemon and sea blue. Of course, the sky is high, enough.
In Brussels, I had taken the tram 92 going through Uccle for many times, and some time I enjoyed looking at, and some time, without thinking any, just looked at the scenery from the window of the tram 92. I think that, to say generally, the scenery was not so special. On the other hand, whenever I realized the "afterglows" of myself at a particular place I used to be, like at the cafe I used to take a cappuccino, I got the feelings as if I regret for not taking the photo, that kind of an ordinal scenery photo.
Whenever the tram turned the corner of St Job square, I tried to remember the last time when I went to the Italian restaurant near there and what kinds of dishes I enjoyed at the time.
After passing the square, the tram 92 started going up a little bit steep hill until reaching Fort Jaco.
Here was Brussels, now I realized how few photos of this beloved city I actually have.
When I saw la Seine, I was driving over the highway near le Harvre. There were several big gray plants and ports along with the river, actually I had totally no idea about what these plants did make actually, and a few big tankers were running against the flow. The color of la Saine at this point was somehow grey and slight-brown. I did not remember whether the day before I came here was an rainy day or not.
I came to the museum standing near the bank of the mouth of the river. After seeing several impressionists there, I took a coffee in the cafe of the museum. The cafe was at the corner of the second floor, and had big windows facing the river.
While sitting and sipping the hot coffee, I was watching a big ferry coming from la Saine. That big ferry apparently did not come from Paris, but I just came to have an idea that what if I have a middle sized fishing boat, I might be able to go to the Paris along with this river. What if I was just teenager and took on that middle sized fishing boat, I might take a night to go to Paris, and in the very early morning, I might see a riverbank of Paris and a girl, Parisienne, standing there with a beautiful hat. The breeze was, of course, nice.
Here was le Harvre, where I smelt the tide.