28 September, 2013

the moon and an ordinal life in rockville

I just walked down an ordinary street to go to an organic grocery to get a bundle of small white beets, which I did not find a super market near here. While walking, I found the evening moon over the downhill, and the moon was, as usual, quite white in the glass-blue and light violet sky. At the time, the breeze was a little bit cold, but hardly came through my wind-breaker. The cars passed me, and I just followed each red tail-lamp. It’s usual, of course, but what I mean is everything was so ordinal life in here.

This downhill used to be my routine jogging course, so I came here and went down the hill many times. Sometimes, I saw fellow runners who never knew me, but bowed slightly as we passed each other. Sometimes, in the spring, I found brown rabbits came to eat lawns in the small gardens around the houses. Sometimes, I remembered something my colleague said, coming after participating in his first half-marathon race somewhere I did not know. He tried to keep listening to the music, "Eye of the Tiger", while running, ‘cause he thought this rock’n surely made his adrenaline overflowed. But in reality, he was easily exhausted after passing15km.

After I moving from here, these stories were just in my memoir when finding this picture. Now, cars may pass this street, some people go down the hill, and sometimes, the moon comes in the evening.

Here is Rockville, Maryland.

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