29 July, 2012

sipping a cafe at the coast of nice

Sipping a cafe at the coast of Nice, I just remember that one of my colleagues in my previous office came here, in order to participate in two weeks French language program at the center of this city, as his summer vacation. He then lived in Brussels, so took a flight to go here, and lent an apartment room/studio near the school for two weeks. It was a small, but cozy room, he said, and everyday he prepared for French lessons, and studied in the school during the day, then came back to apartment and cooked for dinner. 

That did not sound like "vacation", I said to him after he came back to the office at the time. And his response was that, of course, he and fellow students in the same course, occasionally or each weekend, went to a bar or restaurant for dinner, for getting to know each other, or just for joy. 

The program had one day field trip in the city to learn city's history by visiting its landmarks, by walk. And my colleague said that he had an pretty interesting impression on the historical background of one of its fountains. I almost forget why he had such an impression, and at this moment, I have totally no idea where that fountain is/was in this city. So now, all I can do is just sipping a cafe again, and listening to the sound of eternal sea waves.

Nice, France.

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