12 February, 2007

at a corner of french quarter

The French quarter's summer was special. The flavors of the Cajun cuisine, especially a bowl of okra and crawfish gumbo and a dish of andouille jambalaya, went to the blue sky endlessly.
On a Sunday afternoon, performers enjoyed playing and made fun around a corner.
I was just walking to the great Mississippi, hoping to get a ticket of a steamboat, Natchez.
Fortunately, a half hour later, I was in a middle of a long line waiting to embark on, and kept a nice seat on the deck.
The Mississippi was always marbled brown color, because of strong sun shining and shadows made by continuous little waves.
The old, but huge sugar plants on a shore looked sepia.
The breeze on the deck still had smells and flavors of the Cajun.
Here was New Orleans, USA.

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