22 March, 2007

walking on a rutted muddy way to the lake

In the old pic, I was walking on a rutted muddy way to Inawashiro-Lake. Maybe, this pic is the oldest e-pic I have in my PC. It was on March or April, 2002. As usual, I was on a business trip to the north part of this country. On Saturday, I mean, on my off-day, I just had a short-trip to a rural area, in short, around this lake, from Koriyama-city that had about 300,000 population at that time.
I walked from the train station and took almost a hour and half-, or maybe, two hours-walk to come here. It was a nicely warm, but cloudy day. I walked around here aimlessly, then, decided to go near the lake.
Both sides of the rutted way in the pic were maybe preconditioned paddle-fields. over there, I found the surface of the lake.This lake is the fourth largest one in this country.
So, the fourth largest one. Maybe, the lake isn't famous by its size. I'm not quite sure honestly whether at first the lake is well-known by people or not. But once being on its shore, I found a solemn, impressive outline of mountains surrounding the lake.
By the way, the lake has an another name, tenkyo-lake, which means "a mirror of the sky".
Here was Inawashiro, Japan


Anonymous said...

there I have peace and harmony which we all need in this time

July said...

thank you for your commment.

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