11 April, 2007

going to stanley

In Hong Kong, I stayed in a cheap hotel around Yau Ma Tei, which was in Kowloon and a little bit far from the top of Tsim Sha Tsui. I remember that my stay was for 5 days, and everyday, I walked from my hotel to the top of Tsim Sha Tui. It was about an hour or more walking. Of course, I didn't go straight to the top, but often wandering around interesting side roads I incidentally found. Near Kimberley Street in Tsim Sha Tui, I found lots of turtle shells in a huge pot, and the shop displaying the pot in its front served a cup of famous turtle jelly. According to the shop's ad written in Cantonese (though I slightly understood), it seemed to be good for health.
Everyday, a certain destination of my walking in the morning was the Star Ferry pier, of course, to take the cheap ferry to go to Hong Kong Island. But after reaching the island, usually I had no destination to go. So, usually, I took a bus that I hardly knew where to go, but only knew the entire island wasn't so big that I could return easily anytime from anywhere. One day, I took a bus that showed the destination, Chek Chue, in short, Stanley, in its front plate.
So, I was going to Stanley without any purposes, but hoping to see parts of Pacific Ocean.
At that time, Hong Kong had the rain continued on all day long.
Here was Hong Kong, SAR of China.

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